
Sunday, June 8, 2014

This is SAQA Europe/Middle East: The Netherlands

 Nienke Smit

born in 1967, living in The Netherlands.
In daily life, co-owner of a company running several niche jobboards in the financial industry.
In a parallel universe ;-) I am an artquilter, with a profound interest in dyeing and painting fabric. I love colour. I love textiles. Dyeing fabric combines both worlds in such a unique way that I spend many hours exploring all possibilities, granting these fabrics a major role in my artquilts.

I frequently share my journey in fibres and dyes, both online and off-line, enrichening my life with lots of 'dye and colour loving' friends. Being a SAQA member helped me developing my skills, and increasing my knowledge on artquilts. 

You can find me online at  (english) or at my blog: (dutch but with a translation button). I am also a regular contributor to the international blog
And then we set it on fire (experiments in fibre).

Some of my work:

Arabic spring:


Bird's eye:

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love the second work! I really sit up and pay attention when you post on the 'Fire' blog. You have a very good way of explaining techniques. I hope I can meet you some time!
    Sandy in the UK
